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Audrey Grant Bridge Guide Series

Five Tips to Simplify Entries
- $11.95 USD
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Improve your declarer play. Make the most of the entries between declarer and the dummy, even some hiding in full view!
An entry is usually considered a high card to give declarer the chance to get to the dummy or to declarer’s hand. Yet an entry from one hand to the other has two parts. There is the winner in the hand you are trying to reach. Equally important is the lower-ranking Link Card that provides the transportation to the entry. Think of Entry as L’Entry as a reminder of the importance of the link card.
The Five Tips to Simplify Entries are intriguing, simple, and practical. You’ll be in charge of knowing how to improve your declarer play.
Bridge Basics

Bridge Basics 1: An Introduction
- $14.95 USD
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This book is the perfect introduction to the game of bridge. The first chapter, The Basics, provides all the essential information about the fundamental mechanics of the game, and is intended for people who have never encountered bridge. Continuing from this point, the next three chapters have information that will also be of value to people who may know the basic mechanics but have not learned the principles of modern bidding. These chapters cover notrump opening bids and responses, major suit opening bids and responses, and minor suit opening bids and responses. This book provides everything you need to establish a solid foundation in the world’s most fascinating card game.

Bridge Basics 1: Coded Cards
This deck of color-coded cards is a companion for Bridge Basics 1. The deck makes it easy to deal and play all thirty-two practice deals.
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Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding
- $14.95 USD
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When both sides are bidding for the contract, the meanings of many bids can change. Starting where Bridge Basics 1 left off, the four chapters in this book offer detailed coverage of areas that come up in competitive auctions (preemptive opening bids, overcalls and advances, takeout doubles and advances, and the competitive auction). You’ll see how to get to your best spot, or to prevent the opponents from getting to their ideal contract, when both sides are competing to name the contract. Although this is the second book in the Bridge Basics series, don’t be fooled by this title. Seasoned players often overlook many of these concepts. Bridge Basics 2 has been valuable to a wide range of players.

Bridge Basics 2: Coded Cards
This deck of color-coded cards is a companion for Bridge Basics 2. The deck makes it easy to deal and play all thirty-two practice deals.
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BB 3: Popular Conventions
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Famous authors and world class players agree that it’s better to know a few conventions thoroughly than a large number superficially. Following this theme, Popular Conventions offers a thorough grounding in the most common conventions; Stayman, Jacoby transfer bids, the strong opening bid, and Blackwood and Gerber. This book, the third in the Bridge Basics series, carefully illustrates the problems these conventions are designed to solve and how the conventions can best be used. Bridge Basics 3 will leave you confident adding these conventions to your bidding system.
Improving Your Judgment

Opening the Bidding
- $11.95 USD
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Opening the bidding is an area of the game that provides many chances to improve your judgment and to think critically. The focus of this book is on the opening bid and how it impacts the entire auction. Chapter one considers opening in first and second position. The second looks at how things are significantly different in third and fourth position. Chapter three looks at obstructive opening bids, designed to interfere with the opponents when they may have the balance of power. Finally, chapter four looks at strong opening bids and how to reach the best game when the hand belongs to your side. The Improving your Judgment series is designed to take players beyond the rote application of rules and to develop the skills needed to take your game to the next level.

IYJ1: Coded Cards
This deck of color-coded cards is a companion for Improving Your Judgment 1. The deck makes it easy to deal and play all thirty-two practice deals.
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- $11.95 USD
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Doubles takes you beyond the rote application of rules and into the realm of critical and creative thinking. The first three chapters examine the takeout double, advancing a takeout double, doubler’s rebid and the subsequent auction. Taken together, these chapters provide a complete course on the many issues associated with the classic takeout double and the kinds of issues experts think about when making best use of what has been called the game’s most versatile call. Expanding the scope of the double, the fourth chapter looks at balancing and other doubles. After reading this book, you will certainly find yourself to be a more judicious player who can accurately describe hands in competitive auctions.

IYJ 2: Coded Cards
This deck of color-coded cards is a companion for Improving Your Judgment 2. The deck makes it easy to deal and play all thirty-two practice deals.
Buy NowThe Bookmark Series

Opening Leads Against NT Contracts
- $9.95 USD
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This book begins with one of the oldest bridge maxims – lead fourth highest from your longest and strongest suit – and then goes on to describe the five exceptions. While the right lead is a critical start, the defenders must follow up with the right moves—and they may take the partnership in a different direction. Examples in the book help us understand how a defensive approach is set from the beginning. The first in the Audrey Grant bookmark series, this book contains fold-out flaps that cover the general maxims explored in the book.

Two-Over-One Game Force
- $19.95 USD
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The most recent, widespread bidding trend has been the adoption of two-over-one game force (2/1). Written with Eric Rodwell, a many-time world champion and top bridge theorist, this book takes you through all the steps of 2/1 Game Force, beginning with an introduction, then a look at the forcing 1NT response, then rebids by opener and responder and finally the choice between game and slam. The appendix also addresses a number of conventional treatments often associated with 2/1 Game Force. If you are looking to make the transition to this new approach, or simply want a better understanding of the system, this is the book for you.

- $9.95 USD
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This slim, portable reference booklet offers concise summaries on the meaning of a wide variety of bids. At-a-Glance’s innovative design has many features: the bids are displayed in front of the player, a color-coded Bidding Ladder indicates the meaning of each bid (forcing, invitational, or sign-off), and an easy tab design grants quick access to any one of the fifteen topics. The result of these unique features is a booklet that gives you the information you need in a quick and clear manner. This item can easily go wherever you go. This new expanded version includes Duplicate and Chicago scoring.

Better Bridge Magazine
- $30.00 USD/ Annual Subscription (6 issues)
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This magazine features articles by Audrey Grant, David Lindop, and many other top-ranked players and writers. Each issue features a variety of bidding quizzes, play and defense problems, in-depth articles on particular dimensions of the game, and reports on the goings on of the national and international bridge world. Whether you play at home, at the club, or in tournaments, this is a piece of mail we are quite sure you will enjoy receiving.

Daily Bridge Column
- $9.95 USD/Month.
A new interactive bridge column every day! Bid, play, and defend hands; try a quiz; listen to what the experts have to say. To read / play the columns, please install our brand new application from the buttons below. It replaces the current Adobe Flash application.

Lesson Software
- $34.95 USD
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This program is designed for the absolute beginner. The material is presented in a clear, well-organized format, moving smoothly from one topic to the next. It's based on the most up-to-date information the game has to offer. This is an exceptional program created by a top international educator, a world-class player, and an award-winning bridge software company. By working together, they have created a program which will provide you with the basics of how the game is played in an enjoyable and straightforward manner.